Tongkat Ali is known to naturally increase testosterone levels, increasing energy, feelings of well being, and ability and desire to generate effort.

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Awaken your better self

Unlocking the Modern Man

Since the 1950s, testosterone levels in healthy males have been consistently dropping. The modern man lives in an unnatural environment. Harmful chemicals and microplastics containing xenoestrogens trick our bodies into producing more estrogens and less testosterone. Our diets are not balanced and lack the micronutrients our bodies need to produce and maintain healthy levels of testosterone.

Low testosterone levels impact your self-confidence, ability to focus, grow muscle, and have been linked to increased obesity rates.

A daily supplement to unleash your better self

Unlock your potential!

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Confidence, focus & clarity

Testosterone is important for mood and energy levels. Men with low testosterone often have low libido, erectile disfunction, osteoporosis, sleeping problems, depressed mood and decreased physical performance.

Higher testosterone levels have been shown to help boost self-confidence, reduce brain fog, and an increase ability to focus on harder tasks.

Staying fit and healthy doesn't have to be hard

Testosterone is a key anabolic steroid. It helps promote secondary sexual characteristics such as increased muscle and bone mass and the growth of body hair.

More testosterone means more muscle, more muscle means greater metabolic rate, greater metabolic rate means less chance of gaining weight and higher physical performance.